
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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Article from Issue #70 (June 7, 2024)

Today, Sept 7, 2018 is the soft launch of our new monthly Gaine Ageless Thrival Magazine. Every month on the 7th, we will have new featured articles, facilitators, artists and all around awesome people and methodologies that work towards raising the collective consciousness of this planet. As we raise the collective consciousness of our mother earth this allows the Golden Age of Miracles, Heaven on Earth to completely release the duality that has been the illusion for centuries.

Our Golden Age of Miracles, our Heaven on Earth extends outward throughout the Omniverse as Earth is then again a positive intergalactic positive outpost for all life and we as Human will regain a seat on the Star Elder's Council where we once proudly participated prior to the fall of Atlantis.

The Magazine is the result of Mark and a few other people's hard work and is a work in progress. So we would appreciate and be grateful for your feedback, ideas and suggestions as we move forward into its next incarnations and develop GaineTalk and GaineTV!

Our goal is simply to continue to focus on providing the unconditional loving tools and methodologies to help all of you reach the Spiritual Progress Goals you laid out when you courageously returned to Earth at this very momentous time. I am grateful to each of you!

I love you!

Catherine Wylie, Founder Gaine Center for Spiritual Progress Inc.