
Thrival Strategies for the New Human Evolution

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The Secret to Becoming Ageless We accept aging as inevitable, but scientists are discovering what Spiritual Masters have known forever... Aging is a choice. It's time for you to choose AgelessThrival™ Living! Click Here The Empowerment Series Homo Sapien coding of Power Over, Domination and Control has brought humanity to the brink of a sixth mass extinction. The Empowerment Series helps you transform and evolve through love from Power Over and Struggle into Empowered AgelessThrival™. Is it time for you to make that choice into the new human of the Golden Age of Miracles? Truly Heaven on Earth. Click here


Issue #70 - June 2024

The Meaning of Summer Solstice Sophia Rose

Soul Life Catherine Wylie

June HIIT Workout Jacqueline Jarratt

Issue #70

by Catherine Wylie

Happy Solstice Issue. We have our regulars Jacqueline Jarratt fitness, FLFE, the Solfeggio Frequencies and much more. Enjoy! Watch for the new addition of Caragh the Bouvier: Certified Service Dog in training. Coming Soon!

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dōTERRA® Product of the Month - SuperMint Oil Blend 15 mL

Meet the coolest kid in town this June with SuperMint essential oil blend. Get a FREE 15 mL bottle of SuperMint when you place a Loyalty Order of 125 PV or more by June 15—while supplies last.

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The Spiritual Meaning of Summer Solstice

by Sophia Rose

As the longest day of the year approaches, you may find yourself drawn to the profound spiritual significance of the summer solstice. This celestial event, celebrated by cultures around the world, marks a time of peak solar energy, abundance, and inner illumination. In this article, we’ll explore the deeper meanings behind the summer solstice and how you can harness its transformative power to awaken your own inner light.

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Soul Life

by Catherine Wylie

I have resumed working on my doctorate in holistic life counselling which will enhance my work that I have been practising for almost 20 years now. I have always understood that we are Souls inhabiting our earthly body to learn lessons to move forward on our immortal, eternal soul life. Our body is not who we are. Our Spirit, soul is who we are with an individual beingness blueprint of light.

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417Hz Solfeggio Frequency

by Catherine Wylie

417 Hz is one of the beautiful Solfeggio frequency which is known to wipe out all the negativity inside us. Its a frequency that can bring change, it marks the start of new beginnings in life, and it's so powerful that it can reverse and undo negative happenings.

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Crystal Magic Cards

The first plane of existence which is all nonorganic life on the third dimension from the smallest crystal, the soil, to the largest mountain are the foundation for organic life. Therefore the crystals have life and a consciousness. Mother Earth sustains every aspect of our lives and Gaia created the beauty, wisdom, magic, and healing capacity of her crystals to enhance our lives as we choose to work with them.

We have created a digital deck of 33 crystal cards for you to use to enhance your life. More will be added over the next 6 months. Pick a card daily, use the affirmation associated with that crystal in a way that will help you with your hearts desire. Remember that it isn't enough to just pray or meditate to make life changes. It is in the action you take to make it happen. So enjoy this deck as its consciousness measures around 770 on the David Hawkins scale of consciousness. Love and Gratitude to you!

Crystal Magic Cards

The GAINE AgelessThrival™ is not intended to replace any traditional medical treatments or consultation. Nor is this site intended for diagnoses or prescriptive purposes. You should not treat a serious medical ailment, or begin any nutritional or exercise protocol without prior consultation from a qualified healthcare professional practitioner.