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Article from Issue #70 (June 7, 2024)

Soul Life

by Catherine Wylie

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I have resumed working on my doctorate in holistic life counselling which will enhance my work that I have been practising for almost 20 years now. I have always understood that we are Souls inhabiting our earthly body to learn lessons to move forward on our immortal, eternal soul life. Our body is not who we are. Our Spirit, soul is who we are with an individual beingness blueprint of light.

We choose our families, our time of birth, the who, what when of our life experiences.  We choose when and how we die depending what the soul needs to learn from the body shedding experience.  So at some point I will write the course on death doors and death themes.  We have Free Will so matter our soul contracts, ancestor, core and historical beliefs and imprints we can change our experiences here on earth. We are not stuck with what we chose to experience with who and what prior to incarnating here on earth in the body you chose.

During my dissertation research I discovered Dr. Michael Newton's work called Life Between Life.  He founded the Newton Institute for the studies of Life Between Life which he has trade marked.  He has almost 30 years of case studies of regressing clients into their soul lives after they die to find out what soul life is like once we shed our earthly skin.

Dr. Michael Newton was a highly acclaimed international spiritual regressionist, who discovered how to enable people to access the wisdom of the spirit world and their higher guidance whilst living their lives.

Known as a pioneer of afterlife exploration, his dedicated research over 30 years mapped for us all insight into our  Life Between Lives (LBL)®  as presented in his books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls.

This knowledge has bought healing and renewed life purpose to over a million people from all walks of life. His work continues to touch the lives of individuals and communities all around the world, through the sharing of the spiritually transformative experiences of LBL wisdom,  the Michael Newton Institutes®  – LBL Training and the worldwide network of LBL Facilitators.

Here are the Soul Principles as outlined by Dr. Newton's staff at the Newton Institute from their book Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression.

The Way of Souls:
Spiritual Principles

  1. The soul cannot be defined or measured because it has no limits that are perceived about its divine creation. The most consistent reports of the soul’s demonstrated essence is that it represents intelligent energy that is immortal and manifested by specific vibrational waves of light and color.
  2. All human beings have one soul that remains attached to its chosen physical body until death. Souls do play a part in the selection of their next physical body during cycles of reincarnation. The soul typically joins its physical body after conception, between the fourth month and birth. 3. Each soul has a unique immortal character. When conjoined with a human brain, this ego character is melded with the emotional temperament, or human ego, of that body to produce a single but temporary personality for one lifetime. This is what is meant by the duality of our mind.
  3. While soul memory may be hidden from the level of conscious awareness through amnesia, thought patterns of the soul influence the human brain to induce motivations for certain actions. 
  4. Souls reincarnate with human beings for countless lifetimes to advance through levels of development by addressing karmic tasks from former lifetimes. Each personality in every life contributes to the evolution of the soul. Souls grow in knowledge and wisdom through this learning process while pondering their thoughts and deeds in past lives under the direction of their spiritual teachers between lives.
  5. Our planet is one of an incalculable number of worlds that serve as training schools for the advancement of souls. During temporary physical incarnations on Earth, souls are provided an opportunity to advance through trial and error to accumulate wisdom. Humans are not bound to a predetermined existence. Various possibilities and probabilities arising from karmic influences and prior soul contracts are subject to the free will of the soul.
  6. Earth is a place of great beauty and joy but also harbours ignorance, hate, and suffering that are man-made combined with natural planetary disasters over which we have little control. Coping with these positive and negative elements on Earth is by design. This planet is a testing ground for souls rather than being a place of evil, demonic influence from outside our world. Spiritual malevolence does not exist within the divine order of love and compassion that comprises our spiritual origins.
  7. Personal enlightenment emanates from within each of us and endows humans with the capability to reach our own divine power without intermediaries.
  8. At the moment of physical death the soul returns to the spirit world and the source of its creation. Since a portion of a soul’s energy has never left the spirit world during incarnation, the returning soul rejoins with that essence of itself. Thus, spiritual learning never ceases for the soul. The spirit world also offers souls the opportunity for rest and reflection between physical lives.
  9. Souls appear to be members of specific spirit cluster groups to whom they have been assigned since their creation. The teachers of each group are the personal spirit guide of members of that group. Spiritual companions of these groups reincarnate with the soul and assume meaningful roles in the drama of a soul’s life on Earth.
  10. Rather than being defined as a place of ultimate inaction, or nirvana, the spirit world appears to be a space of transition for souls who evolve into higher energy forms with capabilities for creation of animate and inanimate objects. The soul’s energy itself has been created by a higher source. The spirit world has an area of influence that is undefined except that it appears to include our universe and nearby dimensions.
  11. No earthly religious deities are seen in the spirit world by returning souls. A soul’s closest connection to a divine power is with their personal spirit guide and members of a council of benevolent counselors who monitor the affairs of each soul. Souls from Earth feel and sense the presence of a godlike Oversoul or Source emanating from above the wise beings who make up individual councils.
  12. The spirit world seems to be directed by highly advanced non-reincarnating soul specialists who regulate the work of the souls in their care. When incarnating souls develop to higher levels of wisdom and performance themselves, they will cease to incarnate and take their place among these specialists, who will assist the still-incarnating souls. Soul specialists apparently are selected by motivation, talent, and performance.
  13. The ultimate goal of all souls appears to be the desire to seek and find perfection, and finally conjoin with the Source who created them.

You can find Dr. Newton's books on Amazon, Journey of Souls, Wisdom of Souls and more.  It is well worth the read as there is no need to fear death as all we do when are time is complete is shed this earthly skin and go home to our family.  This life counts so live it fully through love, kindness and compassion.  And if it gets really tough remember that you chose the experiences your soul needed to learn in this incarnation which means you can reach out for help to get you through because you are not here alone.  

You are also able to change your life, your experiences and circumstances yourself or with those that understand how to facilitate releasing limiting beliefs and re-programming with positive virtues and experiences.  You are the Creator of your soul life and your life here in the time you have on Earth.

Next month I will talk about the 4th plane of existence which is the spirit plane and the 5th plane which is the home of the Ascended Masters, Angels, and Guides.  The lower degrees of the 5th plane are where the Fallen reside as their is evil it just doesn't live within the spiritual realm of the 4th plane of spirits.  I am grateful to you all.  I love you.

Newton, Michael. Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression (Michael Newton's Journey of Souls Book 3) (p. 211). Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.. Kindle Edition.

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