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Gaine TV > Crystals

Article from Issue #72 (August 7, 2024)

Try our crystal magic virtual cards HERE!

The first plane of existence which is all nonorganic life on the third dimension from the smallest crystal, the soil, to the largest mountain are the foundation for organic life. Therefore the crystals have life and a consciousness. Mother Earth sustains every aspect of our lives and Gaia created the beauty, wisdom, magic, and healing capacity of her crystals to enhance our lives as we choose to work with them.

We have created a digital deck of 33 crystal cards for you to use to enhance your life. Pick a card daily, use the affirmation associated with that crystal in a way that will help you with your hearts desire. Remember that it isn't enough to just pray or meditate to make life changes. It is in the action you take to make it happen. So enjoy this deck as its consciousness measures around 770 on the David Hawkins scale of consciousness. Love and Gratitude to you!

Crystal Magic Cards

This Crystal channel is not intended to replace any traditional medical treatments or consultation. Nor is this crystal channel intended for diagnoses or prescriptive purposes. You should not treat a serious medical ailment without prior consultation from a qualified healthcare professional practitioner.

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